Joe here and in this blog post I would like to talk to you directly. My question is the title of this blog post: Are you in contact with your own thoughts? By that I mean are you consciously aware of your thoughts or are you thinking thoughts that don’t necessarily come from your mind?
Let’s differentiate the two. There’s the mind of the television, phone, computer, other people and then there’s your own mind. You see when you watch television, listen to radio, play video game’s and listen to others through other medium’s you are thinking their thoughts not your own.
Your own thoughts are just that, your own. When you are quiet and meditative you are listening to your own mind, your own voice in your head and it comes from God to you. It is a frequency that is sent to you from the creator to help you make sense of your surroundings and helps guide you to your true purpose on Earth.
I am not preaching because that’s not what I want to do in life. I am a Hypnotist first and I use that to help people overcome problem’s in their life. And I think this is a serious problem confronting all humans in this day and age we are living in, right now. There’s no tomorrow or yesterday only now. And to be in the now and be a healthy person each one of us needs to get in touch with who we are and what we want to have on this planet. We all want to have fresh air, water, food and be able to take care of our loved ones. So it’s very important that we get in touch with our own thoughts so that we can make this the best place to live for ourselves and all those around us.
To become more conscious of our thoughts means we become more at one with all that is around us and if we can do this as a collective force we can overcome the things in this world that are trying to control us and our world. I know this sounds new age, but think for a minute and really work to think how we are controlled mentally. Do you take time out during your day and just sit and think about things, or, are you always too distracted by t.v., the computer or the radio to think in silence about who you are and what is going on around you? If your answer is yes to the first part of the question, then you are connected to the life force that God created for good and if the answer is no then maybe you should sit or meditate on your own thoughts and see how different it feels?
You see it’s about being in control of your own thought’s and idea’s and if you are in control of them then you, me and everyone else can turn all this negative energy affecting us away from this planet and start using positive energy to make this place a more peaceful and safe planet that God intended.
I am not writing this to scare you and my intention is not to preach or pontificate. My aim is one of positive intention and love for everyone on this planet. I have helped individuals overcome negative thinking program’s that were installed by other people and bad event’s.
I will continue to help people with my ability of Hypnosis and mental healing and I will continue to write to people like you reading what I write. My intention is to reach as many people as possible so that I can help them live better lives both through my business and through this blog.
Here are simple ways to start listening to your own thoughts:
1) Meditate by sitting, following your breathe and just relaxing and listening to your own thoughts.
2) Walk, think and enjoy your surroundings and get in touch with all that is around you.
3) Use hypnosis by sitting, closing your eyes, taking three deep breathes and telling your unconscious to bring into thinking awareness all positive and healthy thoughts that will generate health, well being for all around you and positive idea’s to make the earth a wonderful place to be. Your life will open up to a beautiful state of being.
Please leave a comment or e-mail me with any questions so we can connect and help each other be better people.
My Best,
Joe V. Vicente