Hypnosis and reality tunnels. Let’s talk reality tunnels for a moment. What are they? Author and philosopher Robert Anton Wilson talks about them in his book Quantum Psychology. They are imaginary maps your mind makes of the world or reality tunnels that you’ve made up your whole life and are influenced to make up and used to affect your perceptions. Perception is a view of what you see, hear or feel at any point in time. No two people see, feel, smell, hear or taste something the same way. That’s what makes us all different and unique.

We can never really know the true reality of anything, only that which our mind creates for us in our imagination. How do we use and change our reality tunnels and how can they help us see things differently and how can they change our lives? Well, you have to create your own reality and not let someone tell you or show you through television what your reality should be.

You can of course use mediation to create a reality tunnel and then use it on a daily basis for a year and see how it changes your life. Or you can use hypnosis to do the same thing. And the difference between hypnosis and meditation is just a matter of perception. Well, I am a hypnotist after all and so I like to use hypnosis, no dis-respect to any yogi’s out there, to make reality tunnels.

I and you can use self-hypnosis to get into hypnosis and then create a new reality tunnel. Its best to create only one tunnel at a time for a year. And when you do create a new reality tunnel it is very powerful and will cause massive changes so a little goes along way. You see, reality is what you can get away with and if you can’t get away with it then it’s not reality. So make sure the reality you want to make for your self is attainable and do-able. If you want to be the CEO of a company you better be in a position to ascend to that position in a short time from now.

Well, actually, lets step back for a moment and let me explain how to get yourself into hypnosis. It’s an easy three step process: 1) tell yourself how long you want to go into hypnosis 2) for what purpose (make a reality tunnel) 3) how you want to feel after coming out of the hypnotic state (energized and happy or sleepy and ready for bed).

Before starting this procedure and going into that state of bliss, you have to think of something you want to change in your life or at least the perception of it. Or perhaps you don’t want to change a perception, you just want to make a new perception about something in your life: a new love, becoming wealthy or finding a new job?

For instance maybe you’d like to see the world as a peaceful, harmonious, and balanced place where like-minded people, happy peaceful people co-creating a better life on planet earth, getting together and having fun and are at peace. Then to make this an even better perception you could add, to the image, people who have  the highest and greatest intention of changing our world into a clean and peaceful planet who allow each other to be who they should be free of pollution, war and jails.

After you decide what perception you’d like to change or create, the next step is to tell your unconscious mind:”when I go into my hypnotic state and have this new reality, I want you to give me the color that represents the new reality in my reality tunnel” and then relax yourself into a hypnotic state of mind, and let the minutes you set for the length of time run until your mind wakes you up. And there you have a new perception, for the new year.

Any time that color pops into your conscious you can just think and see that new perception/reality! Mine was a harmonious and balanced world with peaceful people living free and unafraid and the color was purple.

I Hope you build a better reality for everyone, including yourself, that will change your life and make your time here wonderful, as it’s meant to be!


Joe Vicente