Easy Ways to Relieve Stress

Stress causes so much trouble in a persons body, from fatigue to depression. Stress comes from all different things: work, bosses, children, significant others, bills, dead lines at work, bad people in your life that are energy vampires, etc. You get the picture, almost all of life gives you stress. What I am referring to is dis-stress. But, there’s also good stress called Eustress which is a positive response to a stressor.

So how can you make distress into eustress? By doing things that relieve your body and mind of the tensions, pains and worries of the daily grind. It can be anything that helps you feel better. So, how do you know when you have eustress and not distress? When your body tells you it’s feeling good. How does it do that? Well you have to listen to it. Listening to that little voice inside is the key.

Here are some ways to have eustress:

  1. Use the 7/11 breathing technique: breathe in to the count of seven and slowly release the breathe to the count of eleven.
  2. Take five to ten minute breaks in between doing any type of work.
  3. Go out into the sunlight and breathe the fresh air and take a quick walk.
  4. Exercise daily and go outside to exercise.
  5. Eat healthy food and take vitamins to counteract the fact that most, if not, all foods are deficient in vitamins and minerals due to the pollution that gets on and in the food.
  6. Don’t watch T.V. or use the computer to much because the EMF (electromagnetic frequency) harms your health.
  7. Learn about nature and reality and educate yourself about the world and nature so you appreciate the Earth more and start to take care of all the plants and animals we live on this planet with.
  8. Sleep for no more than 8 hours a night, but, make sure you get plenty of sleep so you can work the best you can.

These are just some of the ways you can be healthier, happier and able to relieve yourself of stress. Have a great day!

