Evolving Reality

The Earth is in constant change, we know this from science that change is a constant of the Universe. It means that everything is evolving and changing. Definition of evolve is:

e·volve/ēˈvälv/present participle: evolving

  1. develop gradually, especially from a simple to a more complex form.”the company has evolved into a major chemical manufacturer” Similar: develop, progress, make, progress, advance, move forward, make headway, mature, grow, open out, unfold, unroll, expand, enlarge, spread, extend, alter, change, transform, adapt, metamorphose, differentiate, transmogrify
  2. CHEMISTRY give off (gas or heat). Similar: emit, yield, give off, discharge, release, produce.

So why am I writing this blog post? And why is it titled “Evolving Reality”?


  1. the world or the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them.”he refuses to face reality” Similar: the real world, real life, actuality, truth, physical existence, corporeality, substantiality, materiality, Opposite: fantasy
  2. the state or quality of having existence or substance. “youth, when death has no reality.”

Put those two words together and you have evolving reality. The Earth and the people on it are evolving reality and we as humans need to follow natures lead by evolving right along with it. But, you ask: how do we do this? Well, now that you ask let me tell you.

The truth is we are no different than the Universe’s, the Sun’s, the planet’s, the floral or fauna. They live each second of each day evolving into who they truly and really are and so should we if we want to keep evolving right alongside them. Because if we don’t, we will find nothing but misery down at the bottom of the abyss that all of us have been falling into. And the trench will get bigger in the not to distant future.

So sticking with my title theme, I want to address the direction, or really, the mis-direction Earthlings are taking. People of Earth are not following old ancient wisdom that helped them to follow their evolution on Earth. In days of old, people knew that the spirit, that is within all of us and is non-material, but, eternal, is just as important as the body is to living an existence as a true human.

So how are humans living an untrue or limiting existence now? They have forgotten the laws of Creation (Nature) which cannot be changed nor eliminated by anyone or anything. The laws that rule the Universe are the same laws that govern and rule over each creature (this includes human’s) in Creations Universe. If, that were not the case then the Universe would not exist. Just like we have laws that govern human’s behavior, Creations laws govern everything it has created, down to the smallest thing you can imagine but not see.

But, how did we get to this stage? Let me back up and start from the beginning, if that’s possible. This is general information so take it for what it’s worth and do your own research and search for the truth of my words and never believe anything from anything you read or see, but, search and find out what’s true to you. Below are the seven true prophets in the line of the very ancient Prophet Nokodemion, whose spirit has been in our universe for over 9.6 Billion years.

Prophet of prehistory / middle ages (medieval) / ‘other’ / modern times

Henoch3rd February, 9308 BCE1st January, 8942 BCE
Elia (Elja)5th February, 891 BCE4th June, 780 BCE
Jesaia (Jesaja)7th February, 772 BCE5th May, 690 BCE
Jeremia (Jeremja)9th February, 662 BCE3rd September, 580 BCE
Jmmanuel3rd February, 002 BCE9th May, 111 CE
Mohammed19th of February, 571 CE8th June, 632 CE
Eduard Albert Meier3rd of February, 1937 CE
  • There were two other Henochs that existed – one around 13,500 years ago; another around 6,000 – 7,000 years ago. Billy is the last prophet responsible for Earth humankind.

Since ancient times (hundreds of thousands of years) these seven true prophet’s have been trying to teach Earth humans how to live within Creations law’s and recommendation’s. But, since those ancient times there have been human’s who do not want to live by these laws and recommendations because they want to rule over others due to their greed for power and material things and don’t care if they follow Creations regulations of life. This is of course a dangerous mistake.

The mistake they and us have been making since time immemorial is that if we don’t follow Creations laws and recommendations, the same destruction that is going on now will continue until finally all will come to a bad end. So how should we follow these laws and recommendations and where do we find them? Well, you can find them out in nature and also in the writings of the prophets. Where you ask can I find those writings? Well, i’m glad you asked. Here is a link to the PDF of “Goblet of Truth” written by Billy Meier and the human extraterrestrial human race the Plejaren and you can download the book with all of the prophets true writings for free! Here is the link: https://www.figu.org/ch/files/downloads/buecher/figu-kelch_der_wahrheit_goblet-of-the-truth_v_20150307.pdf

The laws of Creation are very logical and easily found in nature. All of us need to find our spiritual selves and evolve it alongside our material existence. If all of us start to find and evolve our spirit, which is a part of Creation, then we’ll live as we’re suppose to live and evolve into the next level of evolution so that we grow and become ever more evolved, changed, growing, expanding and becoming. When we evolve we help Creation to evolve, but, if we don’t then we will be left behind. And I mean left behind and we will not be able to evolve into Creation and keep our eternal life as travelers of the Universe riding in and along with Creation. The choice is always yours, to decide to or not to do anything in your life. You must decide your own future, a future of becoming ever purer or a future of decline and eventual end. Choose wisely:)


Joe Vicente