Food For Thought

We’re into 2022 and despite what you hear in the news it seems something is not right? Do you sense that? Or is it just me? The one’s in charge keep telling us they’re going to make us safer, healthier, us and our kids, but it doesn’t jive with me. The politics are askew and archaic to the point that maybe they need to be scrapped and replaced by something new and novel and that works. Parties of people who have mind think and who rule over us is so ancient. If we look back into history, we see all different people from all lands who have been misled into believing one thing while they are slaughtered and after all is said and done, we find out that the only thing that was real was that the people were lied to and exploited so that the rulers got richer and the poor poorer.

We as a planet of humans need to sit, think, and realize we are and have been responsible for all the good and the bad. We must take responsibility for not only our own lives, but we must become responsible for what is happening in our home, city, state, country and world. How? By taking time to listen to our inner being, our own inner voice, the one we were born with and the one that makes us who we are, what we think, feel and do.

Technology is here for good and is moving at the speed of light but not our thoughts, feelings and actions. And you know why? Because we allow those most important and valuable assets be controlled by the outer environment. The whole system is skewed against our innate natural abilities to think, feel and act logically and rational. We have to start to take back our ability to understand not only nature but human nature, the nature in us and in others. I say this because man and woman have let go of their ability to think and be intelligent.

Here are ways to get that back:

  1. Go back to nature and walk in nature and spend time getting close to nature again.
  2. Start to meditate. Focus on an object and learn to concentrate better, we’re so distracted by tv, computers and phones that we’ve lost the ability to concentrate and focus on what’s going on around us.
  3. Meditate! you can do it anywhere, anytime. Concentrate on thoughts, problems, goals or just being calm and rested.
  4. Find the truth in you and be as inquisitive as a child who looks at something in wonderment, touches and feels things he’s never felt before and learn what’s real about anything you want but take the time to learn what’s real, true and factual. Do that and you will see clearer and deeper into those things that mean the most to you.

Sleep enough to be rested, eat for energy, exercise for health, think deeply and contemplate about what’s most important to you and your life, be patient, kind, love, give peace and find peace, always be free, and find harmony each day of your life and you will always be successful!

Love and Peace,
