I am happy today and feel love, peace, harmony and joy for everything and everyone around me and I am grateful to the Creational energy that has given me and us what we have. With my words of love, I mean real and true love, love for myself, love for the food, air, water I drink, the pets I care for, neighbors I waive to and speak with. Love is the fundamental ingredient to living. Love means thinking thoughtfully and consciously about everything. Love means pushing out of your mind negative thoughts about anything and neutralizing them so that the negative doesn’t occur. Negative thinking hits the thoughts of others across the world so If I want to stop wars, murders. assaults, terrorism I have to stop watching those types of movies which bring those thoughts into my mind. Any negative thought whether it’s a negative thought about a friend, partner, loved one, co-worker or just about the job you have cannot only negatively affect you but also affect others negatively. Peace comes from peaceful thoughts. love for the world, animals, plants, water, air, earth, and anything you can name come from having loving thoughts not hateful ones! Inner love and peace are the main ingredients in all material existence and feeds your spirit/creational energy so that your body functions properly and keeps you healthy and growing as a thinking and evolving person. Negative thoughts are poison to your health and well-being. We are all dependent on everything we eat, breathe, drink and thoughts we think. If we think negatively about crime, war, discrimination, etc. those things aren’t fixed just by thinking negatively about them, but we actually feed the negativity with our negativity which then affects our world and the food we eat, air we breathe, water we drink, environment we live in, and it gets worse not better. Love, peace, freedom, harmony, health and joy. Love, peace, freedom, harmony, health and joy. Love, peace, freedom, harmony, health and joy. Not, anger, bitterness, revenge, greed, retaliate, persecute, eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, you’re with us or against us, take but not give. Think good loving thoughts and when negative one’s pop into your mind, stop thinking them and replace them with positive ones, ones of love, peace, freedom, harmony, health and joy and change the world so your personal world changes! As one goes so does the other.
Peace, Joe