Interesting things to know about the Mind

My mind and your mind is ours alone, but, it’s also connected to the Universal consciousness. Our mind is consciousness, and, we have the conscious and the unconscious mind. The Universal consciousness is that mysterious energy no one can really understand and is unknowable. It’s both negative, positive, logical, does not ask anything of us, is neutral but does have laws and recommendations that give an absolute order to everything. Above all it’s so intelligent and powerful, that it’s nature is unknowable to all.

Our mind is curiously complex. Our mind is conscious of all that’s material in us and in the Universe and is unconscious of all that we’ve ever heard, smelt, seen, felt and tasted as well as sensed with our sixth and seventh senses: our intuition (spiritual-fine-sensitive feeling) and an instinctual feeling.

The unconscious mind works counter-intuitively, and is especially counter productive to very ill people like schizophrenics, and when they’re told something, such as, to say positive affirmation that counter their ideations of negative thoughts like: I am bad, I am crazy, etc. What happens is, that persons mind takes those positive affirmations and switches them into negative thought’s and by doing that the unhealthy person gets even more sick and this could lead to unhealthy actions on the part of the patient. So, whenever you’re working with very ill people such as schizophrenic’s, or suicidal patient’s/clients do not use the auto-suggestion technique or the Coue’ method since these use the idea to suggest the opposite of what the person is thinking.

So, what if you’re told to use auto suggestion for something you went to a doctor or psychiatrist for, will it hurt you? It will hurt someone who is very mentally ill, but, will not affect your mind so much. It most likely will help you if you have phobia’s, fears, weight issues, etc. So don’t worry if you have a normal everyday human neuroses.

Disclaimer: this is not medical advice nor any other type of information that could be construed as medical help, advice, or suggestions for medical use. Always consult your medical doctor or other mental help provider for medical advice and treatment. This is just general information found online and is in no way medical advice!