Even today, hypnosis which is a recognized therapy for many ailments people have, is looked on as just another form of magic or quackery. Some people, whom I suspect work for big pharmaceutical companies and/or the medical establishment, keep perpetuating the idea that hypnosis as a method of therapy is what you see when watching stage hypnosis, where people are made to quack like a duck and do other silly things to amuse the audience, and this impression put out there by television and other media outlets could not be farther from the truth.

In 1892, the British Medical Association (BMA) commissioned a team of doctors to undertake an evaluation of the nature and effects of hypnotherapy; The Committee, having completed such investigation of hypnotism as time permitted, had to report that they had satisfied themselves of the genuineness of the hypnotic state.

And In 1958, the American Medical Association (AMA) commissioned a similar  report which endorsed the 1955 BMA report and concluded that the use of hypnosis has a recognized place in the medical armamentarium and is a useful technique in the treatment of certain illnesses when employed by qualified and trained personnel.

The AMA council approved this report rendering hypnotherapy an orthodox treatment, The Reference Committee on Hygiene, Public Health, and Industrial Health approved the report and commended the Council on Mental Health for its work. (1)

This should allay any fears of hypnosis being dangerous, occult like, mind control or any of the other misnomer’s put on hypnosis by people wishing to disparage hypnosis and keep people in the dark about it so that they can charge huge amounts of money and keep clients in a long term cycle of dependence on medications prescribed by overpaid doctor’s.

Don’t get me wrong, I believe as a whole the medical profession does believe in hypnosis but there are some in the medical profession who wish to keep hypnosis in the dark deep places where it, they feel, should stay. The reputation of hypnosis as a bonafide therapy is solid and a documented fact.

Does your religion get in the way of you using hypnosis for treatment of a disorder or problem? Well, don’t worry, hypnosis does nothing to change your religious beliefs or how you think about religion. Hypnosis fixes what the client’s want to work on, something that’s bothering them, not something you love and want to keep believing.

Hypnosis isn’t brain washing, voodoo, witchcraft, sorcery, astrology or any of those other things people believe to be evil. If you go to a hypnotist for help you and the hypnotist use tried and true hypnosis techniques to get to the unconscious to erase bad thoughts or memories that keep running in your head that keep you stuck from moving forward positively in your life.

Hypnosis is science backed by many years of research and experimentation. Sometimes things happen to us and those old negative information loops stay stuck in our mental machinery and cause us distress. Those things are what a hypnotist works on.

The days of thinking hypnosis is bad or evil are long behind us and a thing of the past. Those idea’s of hypnosis being in the same category as witch craft or occultism is past and been discounted. Hypnosis is a modern alternative to sound medicine and a bonafide mental therapy used in conjunction with other medicinal modalities that help people become healthier and live a more productive and enjoyable life.

Hypnosis is also called Hypnotherapy and there’s many types of Hypnotherapy such as Hypnotherapy for weight management, Hypnotherapy for pain, Hypnotherapy for smoking cessation, etc.

Hypnosis is unique in that it is found in every human and causes them to go into and out of hypnotic states throughout the day. Why not try it for what ails you, since you use it every day to things without really thinking about them.

Hypnosis causes pleasure and it causes pain. If a traumatic event happened to you it caused negative hypnosis to occur. If you had a wonderful vacation and made great memories for you go back to in remembering those good times you had, is a good hypnotic trance. Try hypnosis and get rid of all those negative trances you slipped into throughout your life and  can’t get rid of and start living a happy and healthy life.

(1) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypnotherapy