Power of The Thoughts (Part 1)

I would like to explain the thought process and what it means to you and your life. A thought comes from the unconscious and bubbles up to the conscious. We all have our own unique thoughts and no two people think alike, just like our fingerprints are unique.

A thought that comes from your mind turns into a feeling, which leads to a behavior. Thoughts are either negative or positive but can also be neutralized, positive and equalized. If you only have negative thoughts, life is going to be negatively awful and if they’re positive then you could be walking around with rose colored glasses. Neither is good and cause lots of trouble in our daily lives.

Negative and positive thoughts are nothing new considering electricity, man and woman, etc. are all of a negative/positive polarity. So you’re asking yourself: What’s it mean and how does that affect me? Well, negative and positive thoughts are waves of energy just like microwaves and radio waves. And the difference between the different waves is, your thoughts come with consequences. What consequences? Those negative waves go out and build up negative power and come back as a boomerang of negative energy and cause much trouble for the person sending it out. Not only that but your negative thought waves can and do affect other people. On the other hand your positive thought waves sent out come back stronger and make the way you behave better and they help people with their positive energy.

So, the next time you have a negative thought stop it and change your thoughts to positive and neutralize both, so, you can stay neutral and make the world and everyone influenced by them happier and positively stronger.

If we all do this, maybe someday we can influence the world in a positive way and get rid of all the evil negative energy gripping the world during this time of change. In 1844 Earth moved into the Aquarian age and between then and 2029 is the adaptation phase. The Aquarian age will officially be effecting the Earth from 2029 on. So get your thoughts, feelings and behavior neutral, positive and equalized and let’s all make the world a more peaceful place when we enter the Golden age of Aquarius. Because we all come back to Earth over many life times (Creational Law of Re-incarnation) and why not come back to a wonderful clean and peaceful planet instead of one pictured in movies like the Terminator 1,2,3, etc.

(Information in this article can be found in many of the books written by Billy Meier)

Love and Peace.
