So what is the corona virus also called COVID-19? ‘CO’ stands for ‘corona,’ ‘VI’ for ‘virus,’ and ‘D’ for disease. Formerly, this disease was referred to as “2019 novel coronavirus” or “2019-nCoV” It’s a bio-weapon accidentally released by two technicians who worked in two individual bio weapon lab’s.
So how do you protect yourself from said virus? You must not fly, ride trains, or be in big crowds. The virus is caught through the air, on food and is very contagious. Masks do not stop the virus from getting into your system, the virus is so small it goes right through the mask.
What can you do to stay healthy (which doesn’t mean you can’t catch it, since it’s very contagious)? Well, first know that if you have a low immune system from being sick, smoking, drug use, poor sleep habits or any other life situation that may make you susceptible to any type of disease, it’s a good idea to stop now and get your life together. Live a cleaner, healthier lifestyle and take better care of your body!
What could you eat or take to help improve your immune system? From my research I found many things that may help you:
1. Moringa, a plant indigenous to India and Africa, can be bought online or in stores that will improve your bodies immune system. You can buy it in pill form or buy a kit and make your own pills as I do. Or, you can put it into shakes or on food. The medicinal properties are astounding and scientists today don’t even have clue as to how potent this plant is and the magical properties it holds. Use it and you’ll see a health improvement immediately.
2. Take vitamin C and lots of it. I am over 200 pounds so I take 1500mg of it each day. It will not hurt you and the body doesn’t produce it, so you really need it.
3. Take Glutathione to eliminate heavy metals out of your system.
4. L-Tryptophan is recommended for your health as well. It should be from raw amaranth and Quinoa.
5. Take a multi-vitamin (double the dose since the formula is weak) each day because our food is so over processed that most nutrients are eliminated before you even cook the food.
Take MCT or XCT oil, from coconut. Put it in your coffee or other drinks or soups, it’ll help with your immune system and overall health.
6. K1 and K2 vitamins is great for your mental and body health.
7. Now for your overall spiritual health the best thing you can do is meditate. Take walks in the woods, which will clean up your psyche and increase your health. Walk barefoot for 30 minutes or more while walking.
8. To much television, being on the computer a long time or on the phone, for many reasons, is bad. T.V. emits mind weakening waves, EMF is bad for your bio-electric system, EMF causes many body ailments such as cancer and other body impairments to your thinking and psyche.
9. Watching violent movies or show’s, reading violent books, listening to hard rock or disharmonious music damage your thought’s and psyche.
(all this information can be found in the writings of Billy Eduard Albert Meier. Go to FIGU Switzerland, FIGU Canada, FIGU Australia or to find his prophetic writing’s and book’s to learn the truth!)
Peace & Love,
Joe Vicente