The Times are changing

Hello THINK Hypnosis fans, LOL. I have been thinking about things lately and they don’t look good. You have Covid-19 alpha, delta, Lambda and soon near you the epsilon. I’m not a scientist, medical doctor or an expert in virology, epidemiology, etc. so please don’t take what I write as advice. I am merely expressing my opinion. That said, this virus was made in a lab as Dr. Stephen Quay, and Richard Muller who explain why this virus is out of a lab in China.

I hope everyone is social distancing and wearing a face mask while you’re out among people. Remember, the vaccinated as well as the unvaccinated can catch this and can pass it on. Don’t be fooled by the main stream media. This virus also doesn’t ever go away if you catch it, it stays in you as an impulse and undetected until sometime in the future when it makes you sick. If you do catch is make sure to keep your immune system up and strong so you stay healthy and don’t allow this virus to make you sick.

I would also like to speak about the future and the coming times. More and deadlier viruses and diseases are coming due to the culling of the herd by the dark order behind the coming die offs of the overpopulation. Today there are more than 9 Billion people on the earth and they don’t want to stop having babies and the elite know this, even though they tell people to grow the family and multiply.

This is a quick and dirty post, but, I want you to know to keep your wits about you and don’t believe anything you hear, read or see. Listen to your inner voice, meditate and question everything. You are your best counselor and benefactor. Stay smart and healthy.

Live in love and Peace,
