
  • Joe Vicente
    So what is the corona virus also called COVID-19? ‘CO’ stands for ‘corona,’ ‘VI’ for ‘virus,’ and ‘D’ for disease. Formerly, this disease was referred to as “2019 novel coronavirus” or “2019-nCoV” It’s a bio-weapon accidentally released by two technicians who worked in two individual bio weapon lab’s.  So how do you
  • Joe Vicente
    This is a short story of how we are all manipulated by the elites of the world. I hear your thinking now as you read this: “more conspiracy crap.” Well, take a moment to open your mind so that you can hear the truth and then decide if it can
  • Joe Vicente
    Stress causes so much trouble in a persons body, from fatigue to depression. Stress comes from all different things: work, bosses, children, significant others, bills, dead lines at work, bad people in your life that are energy vampires, etc. You get the picture, almost all of life gives you stress.
  • Joe Vicente
    We are in a transition stage moving from one Zodiac constellation into a new one, which started in 1844. We have moved from one cosmic age to the next: into the Aquarian age. The time of this transition period is almost done and will be done approximately around the year 2029.
  • Joe Vicente
    Being able to concentrate is so important to us humans that without it it’s impossible to control ones thoughts. And you ask why is it important to control your thoughts? Well, have you ever been driving down the road or highway feeling in control of yourself and enjoying your ride?