

Hi, and thank you for coming here and reading my blog. I hope you find some knowledge and/or wisdom. I was thinking over things for the last week and it came to me that lots of people are lost in the world and on the ocean of life. What do

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Responsible for You

Let’s look at the definiton of the word responsible: re·spon·si·ble/rəˈspänsəb(ə)l/adjective having an obligation to do something, or having control over or care for someone, as part of one’s job or role.”the department responsible for education” Having control over or care for someone. This means You! Right? Now when you’re a child it’s

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Evolving Reality

The Earth is in constant change, we know this from science that change is a constant of the Universe. It means that everything is evolving and changing. Definition of evolve is: e·volve/ēˈvälv/present participle: evolving develop gradually, especially from a simple to a more complex form.”the company has evolved into a major chemical manufacturer”

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